Culture Clash (in Two Parts)

(Because I’ve been asked: yes, I do know I’m using watermarked stock images as featured images for these posts. I find it hilarious, not sure why.)

I figured since I have this blog, or whatever, I ought to share something I’ve written. Can’t expect you to want to buy Each Little Universe (which is, according to an increasing number of readers, really pretty good) if I don’t give anything out for free, seems to me.

So here’s a story. I wrote this for a writing group a while back (if anyone from Scribimus is reading this, I’m very sorry for being so inactive lately!) and I quite like it. It’s a bit sort of deliberately Borges-ish, if you’re a fan of bizarre philosophical wanderings and metafictional commentaries on fictional texts. It’s pretty much nothing like ELU, I feel I should say, but you might enjoy it anyway.

Here’s ‘Culture Clash’! Enjoy.

(And keep an eye out over the next month or so. I’m gonna be looking for beta readers not just for Chronicles from the World of Guilt but also potentially for a novella that’s unexpectedly sprung up in the meantime – so if you want the chance to read my stuff in draft form and help me to make it better, I’d love to hear from you.)

Published by Chris Durston

Writer of stuff. Y'know. Words and that.

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